Fee Rules

/ General Info. / Fee Rules

The school fee and other charges are payable on a monthly basis on/before 10th of every month. Fee to be paid by Cash/Cheque at the school office counter between 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on school working days.


Fee slip for each month will be distributed by respective class teacher in the 1st week of each month or earlier. A fine of Rs. 20 per day shall be levied from the 11th of the month in which the school dues are to be paid till the end of month. Thereafter the name of student will be struck of the school rolls. Admission will be allowed only after payment of all arrears of fees including late fee.


Cheque returned by the bank will be treated as non-payment and Rs. 500/- will be charged. In such cases, the fee is to be paid along with corresponding late fee. In addition, cheque will not be accepted in the future from the defaulters.


Annual charges are not being refundable in any case. If a parent wishes to withdraw his/her ward from the school, the transfer certificate will be issued on one month’s notice given in writing by the parent or on payment of one-month tuition fee in lieu of notice.